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This plate was used as an illustration for Longfellow's "Flower-de-luce." The pond-lily may be used in nature study or as an illustration for some poem.

The strokes necessary or useful in drawing these bits are shown at No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. At No. 1 the chalk is placed in an oblique position, drawn gradually downward, and at the same time twisted to the horizontal position at the middle of the stroke. Try this stroke in a great variety of positions. The spots produced will be found useful in much of the flower and leaf drawing. Apply these in the fleur-de-lis.

The strokes at 2 for the leaves were given and described on plate 4, and may be appropriated wherever reeds or grasses are to be drawn.

Stroke 3 is simple, yet often found troublesome by pupils. Place the chalk in a vertical position, draw it quickly downward, twisting it to a nearly horizontal position. Let the accent be at the upper end of the stroke. Try a number of these strokes, letting them meet at the centre of the flower. In making the drawing of the pond-lily, accent the nearest petals.

The reflection in the water, and the reeds in the background are obtained by delicate vertical strokes, crossed in the water by occasional horizontal touches. Use simple curving strokes for the lily pads.

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